Protecting the Best Interest of Your Child(ren)

If you and the other parent of your child(ren) are not married but need the court to resolve your parenting dispute, then you need a parental-rights-and-responsibilities (PR&R) judgment, and the Law Offices of Dylan Boyd can help.
These cases are about the best interest of your child(ren). Often, parents find themselves in court because, although they both love their child(ren), they disagree about what is in their best interest. Our lawyers will listen to your thoughts and concerns and provide you with excellent legal advice and advocacy throughout your case.
Choosing the Right Lawyer
Our lawyers have successfully represented clients in a wide variety of PR&R cases. We have dealt with almost every sort of issue that may arise in these cases, including interim orders (to control the situation while the case is pending final judgment), parental decision making, primary residence (i.e., where child(ren) live more than 50 percent of the time), child custody and visitation, child support, guardian ad litem (GAL) issues, counseling, relocation, and tax issues. We have also handled cases in which one of the parties resides in another state or country. Whatever the circumstances of your case, we have the experience, knowledge, and skill to provide you with superior representation for the benefit of you and your child(ren).
In all family matters, the courts in Maine urge the parties to negotiate, mediate, and try to reach a settlement agreement rather than engaging in expensive and contentious litigation. On one hand, we recognize the value in such compromise and, as skilled negotiators, we have accomplished many fair settlements on behalf of our clients--sparing them the financial and emotional costs of further litigation. On the other hand, we respect our clients' decisions not to settle when the other party is being unreasonable and uncompromising. In such cases, we have zealously advocated for our clients at trial and secured judgments in their favor.
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Contact a Family Law Attorney in Maine Today
If you are facing a child custody issue, make certain your rights are protected by hiring our family law attorneys. At the Law Offices of Dylan Boyd, we know how to handle child custody and related matters. Contact us today by using our online form or calling us at (207) 536-7147 to schedule a consultation.