Contact Us for a Consultation 207-536-7147

Successful Results

no criminal conviction and no BMV consequences for OUI

October 2016

In an OUI case, we won a contested BMV hearing. Next, we fought the case in court and negotiated a plea agreement whereby the OUI charge was dismissed up front and a lesser charge of Driving to Endanger would be dismissed in one year provided our client got no new charges during that time. The end result would be no license suspension, no criminal conviction, no jail time, and no fine.

Practice area(s): Criminal Defense, DUI / DWI

Dylan Boyd

Managing Partner

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We are committed to answering your questions about Criminal Defense & OUI, Family Law & Divorce, Wills & Planning, and Mediation issues in Maine. We will gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
