Contact Us for a Consultation 207-536-7147

Successful Results

  • criminal speed dismissed, civil speeding ticket instead

    February 2023

    Our client was charged with Criminal Speed, based on allegations that he was driving 71 mph in a 35 mph zone--on a provisional license with underage passengers. However, the criminal case was dismissed, and instead, our client accepted a civil speeding ticket for a $450 fine and a thirty-day suspension based on his provisional status.  Read On

  • successful result in complicated divorce and PFA case

    December 2022

    In the midst of a complicated trial for divorce and protection-from-abuse (PFA), we forced a favorable settlement agreement, winning our client primary residential care of the children, half the retirement assets, a settlement payment for the real estate, payment of our attorney's fees, and a PFA order.  Read On

  • drug-related OUI dismissed

    December 2022

    Our client was pulled over on suspicion of Operating Under the Influence (OUI). Although his BAC was only 0.03 (under the 0.08 limit), police suspected him of also being under the influence of marijuana and subjected him to further testing by a so-called "drug recognition expert" (DRE). However, with our help, the criminal case was dismissed, and his license was never suspended.  Read On

  • domestic violence case dismissed after a "filing agreement"

    November 2022

    Our client was charged with Domestic Violence Assault, following an argument with his boyfriend. We negotiated a settlement whereby the criminal case was dismissed after a six-month "filing agreement." Read On

  • DV assault charge dismissed

    October 2022

    While in Maine for a wedding, our client's girlfriend became very intoxicated and reported him to the police, resulting in a charge of Domestic Violence Assault. However, we succeeded in negotiating the dismissal of the case. Read On

  • successful outcome for car accident with high BAC

    October 2022

    Our client was involved in a single vehicle accident and was found later to have a BAC of 0.22. She was charged with OUI and Failing to Report and Accident. The OUI charge was dismissed, and she pled guilty to Failing to Report an Accident and Driving to Endanger for fines and a thirty-day license suspension. She was spared the much more serious consequences of the OUI with aggravating factors.  Read On

  • criminal speed charge dismissed in lieu of civil speeding ticket

    August 2021

    Our client was alleged to have been driving 65 mph in a 25 mph zone and was charged with Criminal Speed. But we negotiated the dismissal of the criminal charge in lieu of a civil speeding ticket for a $350 fine. Read On

  • sentence reduced by almost five years

    January 2020

    After a successful appeal and re-sentencing, in federal court, our client's sentence was reduced by almost five years. Read On

  • won a jury trial and a PFA hearing

    January 2020

    Dan Wentworth won a jury trial, securing not guilty verdicts on all counts, including a felony charge of Aggravated Assault. He also won the related protection-from-abuse (PFA) hearing. Read On

  • prosecutor dismissed two counts of Aggravated Assault

    September 2019

    The prosecutor dismissed two counts of Aggravated Assault, Class B felonies, and our client pled instead to one count of Reckless Conduct, a Class D misdemeanor, for only a $150 fine. Read On

  • OUI was dismissed

    September 2019

    Our client was charged with OUI with an alleged BAC of 0.28 and a prior conviction within ten years. He was facing, at minimum, a three-year license suspension, a seven-day jail sentence, and more. But thanks to our search for the truth and our effective representation, we won at the BMV hearing ... Read On

  • won a jury trial

    May 2019

    Dylan Boyd won a jury trial, securing a verdict of not guilty to a criminal charge of possession of short lobsters. Read On

  • case dismissed on eve of suppression hearing

    October 2018

    The prosecutor dismissed a case against our client charging felony possession of drugs. We filed both a motion to suppress the traffic stop and a motion to suppress our client's incriminating statements. On the eve of the suppression hearing, the prosecutor dismissed the case. This spared our cli... Read On

  • aggravated drug trafficking charges dismissed

    August 2018

    We succeeded in getting the prosecutor to dismiss the case against our client, which charged two counts of Aggravated Drug Trafficking, a Class A felony with a minimum sentence of four years, and a forfeiture count, seeking to take ownership of his vehicle. But now, with the case dismissed, our c... Read On

  • avoided prison sentence in federal drug case

    June 2018

    At a sentencing hearing in federal court, we convinced the Court to keep our client out of prison and sentence him to probation instead. Under the Sentencing Guidelines, he was facing a prison term of approximately three years. To avoid prison in a federal case is extraordinary. We were able to a... Read On

  • arson charge dismissed

    April 2018

    Our client was charged with Arson, a Class A felony, but after diligent defense work, the prosecutor dismissed that charge, and our client instead pleaded no contest to Failure to Control or Report a Dangerous Fire, a Class D misdemeanor, with a sentence of an unconditional discharge, meaning no ... Read On

  • limited consequences for new assault charge and probation violation

    March 2018

    Our client was facing a new assault charge and a probation violation. The prosecutor wanted him held without bail, and the plea offer called for six months in prison. That was unacceptable. So, we successfully argued for his release on bail. Then, we worked with a private investigator to gather a... Read On

  • OUI charge dismissed up front, DTE charge dismissed later

    September 2017

    We negotiated a plea agreement whereby our client's OUI charge was dismissed up front and a lesser charge of Driving to Endanger would be dismissed in one year provided our client got no new charges during that time. Read On

  • won PFA hearing

    August 2017

    We successfully defended a client in a protection-from-abuse case, resulting in the court denying the frivolous complaint filed against our client. The opposing party was trying to use the PFA process to gain an upper hand in the parental rights case, but we stopped that from happening. Read On

  • from facing four years in prison to only four days in jail

    June 2017

    Our client went from facing four years in prison to only four days in jail. At the start of the case, he was charged with multiple felonies, including Aggravated Drug Trafficking (Class A), which carries a mandatory minimum four-year sentence. But by the end of the case, the prosecutor dismissed ... Read On

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Contact Us Today

We are committed to answering your questions about Criminal Defense & OUI, Family Law & Divorce, Wills & Planning, and Mediation issues in Maine. We will gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
